Robots and Aliens
/RSS FeedI started this song aiming for something calmer than the others I’ve posted so far, so before I laid down a single note, I set a slow tempo. Proving that music is never simple, this song ended up being relatively energetic anyway. Once I realized what was happening, I made no effort to change it because…
The Life of a Mouse
/RSS FeedI guess it’s normal for me to come up with music first, then start writing words that seem to fit it. Life of a Mouse started that way. A few lines in, the idea for the final song started forming and I ended up rewriting the lines that had come before the idea. File this…
Really Sad Love Song
/RSS FeedValentine’s day is coming up, so I figured I’d do a song about love. Really Sad Love Song is about an artist who realizes that many of the best songs aren’t about happy love. The music is made up of some of my favorite musical elements – a deep, smooth bass line, lots of keys,…
/RSS FeedTo come up with the music for Monster, I just added and removed instruments, notes, and parts until I came up with the basis of something I liked. At that point, I had to listen to it a bunch of times before lyrics started coming to me. I didn’t know what the song was about…
/RSS FeedI’m cheating a bit with this first track. My studio is in the process of getting moved so I haven’t really started making songs for NothingExpected yet. Restless is a track I made a while back. Normally, I’ll try to write a blurb about the making of the track, but I honestly don’t remember too…
Welcome to NothingExpected
My goal for 2009 is to make as many songs as possible and to make them all freely available as soon as they are finished. That’s it. I’m not spending the year trying to finish albums, make new websites, or doing any of the other things that can distract an artist from making art. NothingExpected.com…